
Search has arrived!



Great News, everyone! Now you can search in your logs using Logr!

The latest update adds the search feature to LogrPro and LogrLite. Just click the up and down arrow buttons in the Filters Panel (on the right) and the log entry matching the pattern will become selected (See the orange highlighted line above).

You can also enter a keyword in the keyword input in Filter Editor and click Prev or Next. In that case a filter will not be created, but a next or previous line containing the search phrase will become active. It’s that simple!

Need I tell you that the free version is already available for download here, and the Pro version will be available on the AppStore in a matter of days. So go and get it!


LogrLite 1.2 released, LogrPro to follow

Good News! A new version of Logr has been released, packing some new longed-for features.

A lot of the users asked to make Logr work with any file extensions, rather than just .log and .txt. And this feature has been added. Now you can go to the preferences window and add or remove the types of files you want Logr to open. Note that if you want to open files with no extension, you need to add an empty string to the list of the allowed extensions. The empty string will be displayed as the words “Emtpy string”. And if you want to open all filetypes without exception, just remove all the extensions from the list.
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Another good feature is the selection of encodings you want to work with. Now you can choose any of all the encodings supported by Mac OS X and set one of them as default. The encodings you selected will be displayed in the drop-down box below your log, so you can have just the ones you need at your finger tips. The one you set as default will be applied to the logs you open.

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The link to download LogrLite, that is the free version of this log viewing app for the Mac, is or you can download the full version from the Mac App Store.