Month: September 2013

Version 1.1 Released!

Logr 1.1 has been released.


The Lite version is available for download, the Pro version is waiting for Apple’s approval on the App Store.

What’s new in this version:

  1. The long waited-for feature: horizontal scrolling, is now a reality!
  2. The log list panel and the filter list panel are now collapsable, giving more space to the log
  3. The tool bar at the bottom is now smaller
  4. Added a notification if a file cannot be opened in the default UTF-8 encoding
  5. Stability improvements

 So, please download the new version of LogrLite or LogrPro and enjoy working with logs on a Mac!


LogrPro Hit the App Store

Great news!

You can now install LogrPro from the App Store!


At the same time, here is the link to the free version:

If you have trouble downloading the free version of LogrPro, which is incidentally called LogrLite, just click the bluish-grey button below the long green one. Just to remind you, the free version can open just one log instead of virtually infinitely many in the Pro version, but because it doesn’t have to be approved by Apple, it is, in fact, the next version of the app.

Now to the most important bit: the App Store link:

LogrPro App Store Link: download 

So, download whichever version you want, enjoy and report your experience!

Awaiting review

Dear friends!

We are about to deliver a new application for the Mac! It is about to hit the AppStore any minute now!

LogrPro is now awaiting Apple’s certification, and there is good chance that it will pass it one of these days. 

As soon as this happens, we will publish the link to download LogrPro from the Mac AppStore and publish the free version here. 

The free version is both a beta and a preview version of the Pro version, it includes some features that will be present in the next Pro version, however, they may be not as stable as those in the Pro version.

The free (Lite) version will also include the link to download the full edition of the programme. 

LogrLite has all the same features as LogrPro, that is it can open logs and allows you to apply filters to highlight log entries, but it can only open one log at a time.

Some FAQ

– The purpose of this app is to make reading logs easier. This application allows the user to read log files including in real time, and add filters to highlight log entries (lines in the log file) containing certain substrings.

– The target audience of this application is developers, system administrators, QA engineers and other IT specialists who need to read logs.

– To use the app, please, do one of the following:
– Start the app, go to the File->Open… menu, select a log file to open;
– Right-click a log file on the file system and in the context menu, select “Open with” and navigate to Logr. You can also set Logr as a default application for opening logs.
You will now see the contents of the log displayed in the middle part of the window (the log view), and the name of the log file will be displayed in the panel on the left. In the Pro version, you can open more than one logs, however, in the Lite version, you need to close the open log, if any, to open another one.
The right panel contains the list of applicable filters. By default, the list is empty. To add a new filter, do one of the following:
– In the lower part of the right panel, enter the substring for your filter in the textfield there. Click a colour well for background colour or foreground colour to select the colour for the highlighting. Click the (+) button.
– Alternatively, you can first click the plus button, and an empty filter will appear, after which you will be able to select it by clicking it in the filter list (newly created filters are selected by default). Also, when you select a filter and press the plus button, the filter is duplicated and placed above its prototype filter.
Now, if your log contains lines that have the substring you specified in the textfield while creating the filter, that line will have the foreground and the background colours you specified while creating that filter.
Also, the filters have the “ignore case” and “bypass” settings. You can toggle them by clicking the (i) and (b) buttons on the corresponding filters in the filters list, or you can select a filter in the list by clicking it, and then click the buttons (ignore case) and (bypass) accordingly.
If the “ignore case” setting is on, the filter will be applied to log entries which contain the filter’s keyword even if the cases are not the same (e.g. the keyword “substring” will match “Substring”, “SubString”, etc.)
If the “bypass” setting is on, the filter will be ignored and shall not be applied to any log entries.
The default encoding for the open files is UTF-8, however, a number of other encodings are supported, such as Latin1, ASCII, Windows-1251, Windows-1252, UTF-16.

– No additional software is required for the application to work. In order to open log files, you need any log files (text files with the .log extension, although you can also open .txt files)

How to open a log in Logr

You can open a log in Logr in several ways:

  1. Double-click a log file. However, in order for that to work, you need to set Logr as the default programme for viewing log files. To that end:
    1. Right-click a log file
    2. Click “Properties”
    3. In the drop-down list, select Logr
  2. In the running Logr, press Cmd+o (or go to the File menu -> Open…), then navigate to the file you want to open.

TIP: Sometimes logs can reside in hidden folders. In such case, when the Logr Open panel is displayed, press Cmd+Shifg+g (Cmd+G). An address input will be displayed, in which you can type the address of the folder where your log is.

Logr – the easy way to read logs

Logr allows you to read logs as they are written by your application, in real time. To make this job easier, you can define filters that will colour your log entries containing particular substrings. Say, if you want to see every error message, create a filter with the keyword “error” and background colour “red”. Now they will stand out.

If just like me you like to use keyboard shortcuts instead of reaching for your mouse, you will find the keys for switching between open logs quite handy: Cmd+u and Cmd+j.

Enjoy your Logr experience.